work & Principles

ABout Lizette

Before Lizette worked with human bodies, she worked with clay, mud, and soil.

With a background in pottery and experience in regenerative gardening and permaculture, her work with fascia stems from a passion to discover what our bodies are capable of when supported as designed.

Lizette holds a BFA from Mississippi College and a Technical Cert through Blue Cliff College in Gulfport, MS. She received her licensing through MBLEx.

The body is always communicating

The natural design and the highest potential of the body is that it provides information to us about ourselves, others, the world, and who God is.

The body is always communicating information.

The highest aim of developing our physical potential for movement, balance, flexibility, and fine-tuning our senses is the ongoing opportunity to know and experience God.

The body is resilient

The physical symptoms we experience reflect the body’s resilience as it responds to its environment.

The body is always healing and working for us.

As we create a stronger environment, the body has the innate ability to express the capacity it was designed for. This includes dynamic movement, balance, fluidity, ease of movement, and sensations such as pleasure.

Myofascial Therapy // Ridgeland, MS

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